Course Schedule
Course Schedule
Date | Readings | Topic of Class |
Aug. 25 |
HW 0 Out (due Wednesday Sept. 6th) |
Introduction: Basic analytics glassary. |
Sept. 1 |
Chapter 2 Figures |
Sept. 8 |
Team Building Worksheet (Due ~3rd week of Sept) |
I'll discuss this in class soon |
Sept 1 |
TESL Chapter 2 |
Introduction: Introduction to linear models and KNN. |
Sept 6 |
TESL Chapter 2 |
Introduction: Bayesian Optimal Classifiers and Mixture Models. |
Sept. 1 |
Analytics Lighthouse Announcement |
Sept 20, 5:30-7:30pm, 223 Engel Hall |
Announcement: |
No Class on Friday September 15. |
Sept. 11 |
HW 1 Out .tex file (Due Friday. Sept. 22) |
Mixture models, and optimal classifiers. |
TESL Chapter 2 |
"Curse of dimensionality"... various aspects. |
Sept 20, 22 |
TESL pages 95-103. |
Introduction: Logistic Regression and high dimensional issues. |
Sept. 18 |
Dataset 1 Out readme |
TESL Chapter 3-4 |
Logistic regression (TESL p. 95) and the LASSO (TESL p. 64) |
Sept. 25 |
Spam Data Info |
Sept. 25 |
TESL Chapter 3-4 |
Continue Logistic LASSO and Cross Validation |
Matlab MapReduce |
Matlab MapReduce |
R MapReduce |
R MapReduce | Oct. 4 |
HW 2 Out (Due Oct. 16) .tex |
Oct. 11 |
Analytics program devo |
QQQ and Sample Rubric |
Oct. 20 |
Clustering Slides |
K Means+Hierarchical Clustering |
Oct. 20 |
K Means Algorithm |
K Means Demo |
TESL pages 266-278. |
Hierarchical Clustering. |
HW 3 Out (Due Nov. 8) .tex ClusterSet1ClusterSet2 |
Rubric |
Competition Rubric. |
cereal data PPCA ISO-Map HW 4 Out .tex file |
Data Files for HW5 X Testing File X Training File Y Training File |